What is your
Lead Generation Improvement Strategy?
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By: Carrie Miller
In the business world today, there are so many different avenues of communication available; from social media, phone, email, in-person events… that it can take a full time staff working 24 hours a day seven days a week just to stay relevant. It is for this reason that smaller B2B businesses find themselves focusing on one lead generation improvement strategy while foregoing the rest. The mindset has become, “If we can master this one thing, our numbers will improve and we will move on to the next.” This is a mistake!!! Simplify your lead generation strategies by adding a website lead generation improvement software to your business’s overall strategy. The website lead generation tool offered by Visual Visitor can help you read your lead generation goals. Knowing who is visiting your website – and by who, I mean much more than just an IP address – can tell you so much. Not only the traffic that you are receiving, but also the marketing plans that are working. It can tell you where your money is spent wisely, and where you need to make keyword adjustments.
Currently Approved Lead Generation Improvement Strategy
Current business strategies outline that having a minimum of three different lead generation plans in place at any given time are a basic for all businesses. Doing this is a must in order to keep your business in sight of potential customers and relevant. It is an easy step to add in Visual Visitor as most businesses operate to some degree by focusing on their website and/or blog. Blogging is an easy way to encompass social media links and tie your business to multiple outlets.
Visual Visitor has a quick and easy install plan that will get your online business on the road to a better Lead Generation strategy in under 7 minutes. And signing up for the no obligation 14 day Free Trial requires no credit card and no commitment. How? It’s easy. Fill out the form and within 2 minutes you will receive an Installation Email. That email will outline both the manual method of installing the Visual Visitor code, and link you to the WordPress Plugin available.
How does Visual Visitor increase lead generation? It’s the easiest lead generation improvement strategy that your business will make. By simply adding the Visual Visitor tracking code to your site (super simple with our WordPress plugin or manual install instructions), the businesses and traffic that you are already generating to your website lose their anonymity becoming warm leads! Knowing not only that a business is on your site, but also where that business was referred from can greatly improve your ability to make Lead Generation Strategy tweaks. Knowledge is power and Visual Visitor is here to provide you with that in-depth knowledge about the traffic you are generating. Did you know that only about 2% of website visitors are willing to complete forms or requests for information? If you are not using a lead generation software like Visual Visitor, it is like throwing that money you are spending on online marketing out the window!
With Visual Visitor You will get…
With Visual Visitor you will get the lead generation information of the Business to Business (B2B) visitors who come to your website no matter who is referring them. You will also get the following: email campaign integration (for additional tracking opportunities of those consumer based visitors), website analytics that tie into increasing and better understanding your lead generation, forms capture to simplify the tie in for any existing forms you might have with your Visual Visitor data, ISP/Business management, and many customizable reporting features. We also have CRM integration that is always evolving making it easy to add those leads to your CRM software.
How much does this cost? Is it affordable? At $59 per month, Visual Visitor is the most affordable lead generation software available. With no contracts and no obligations it is a must for any business that is serious about Lead Generation Improvement. We also offer a fully functional 14 day Free Trial that does not require any commitment from you. No credit card. And did you know that Visual Visitor does not charge per lead? Many of the other packages that you will see online will charge you a base price and then charge you an additional fee per lead. Not at Visual Visitor. We feel that you already paid for that lead with all the marketing and hard work. The leads are your!
Not convinced that anonymous website visitor tracking and lead generation can help your business grow? When we talk to some of our customers, here are just a few of their common uses of Visual Visitor:
Avoid the “Proposal Gone Cold”
You spend a massive amount of time, money, and energy creating the perfect deal, only to have your contact disappear after the pitch. Why? Many times these contacts simply begin a silent follow up to the proposal. They will visit your website to review your information, or they will read whitepapers, etc. to look for data to validate your company and your plan. Visual Visitor helps you close that communication gap. We will inform you when those formerly anonymous visitors have returned to your website. This will allow you take immediate action with a perfectly timed follow up email or phone call.
How many of your cold proposals have you lost? Would knowing that those contacts that seemed to disappear were actually visiting your website every day help in closing the deal?
The Perfectly Timed Phone Call
Selling is hard work but selling to interested buyers is so much easier! Did you know that only 2% of all anonymous visitors to your website ever identify themselves by filling out a contact form or picking up the phone. We can help you to identify the other 98% with more than an IP Address. In today’s online world, being able to identify those interested visitors before your competitors can make all the difference in a sale made and a sale missed. And by identifying these visitors with Visual Visitor’s website lead generation software, you can make a perfectly timed phone call to those unidentified visitors. This will allow you to take the advantage over your competition. You can now engage in the sale earlier in the process, build on the relationships, and close more sales.
How many sales would it take to justify $59 a month?.. With all leads included? Visual Visitor does not charge per lead. We charge per month. The leads are yours to keep!
Outbound Sales Effectiveness
Cold calling is common sales tool, and no matter how we try to avoid it, it will be around forever. What happens after the call? How many of those contacts that you reached or left messages for will ever pick up the phone? Most of the time, if they listen to your voicemail, they will quietly visit your website to review your product or service but never call back. With Visual Visitor’s Anonymous Visitor Tracking and Identification you will now be able to identify those anonymous website visitors. This will show who you are reaching making it easier to focus your sales efforts. Knowing that the calls and or emails that are sending out are working or not working can help you to define and strategize better.
How awesome would your outbound sales plan be if you had the ability to know which of your contacts were actually visiting your website after the initial contact?
Market Segmentation
Marketing is, beyond a doubt, complex and getting more so every day. PPC, SEO, Email, Landing pages, Events and social media all drive people to evaluate your products and services. Have you stopped to evaluate if you are attracting the right industries? With Visual Visitor’s you can gain a better understanding of companies evaluating your products and services. Knowing which marketing plans – social media marketing, banner ads, etc – are bringing the most clicks AND conversions can help drive a more effective marketing plan. Marketing is expensive. Knowing what is working and what is not can make a huge difference in your marketing bottom line. Not to mention that your sales team will thank you for attracting better leads that convert more easily.
Would you like to streamline your marketing plan and spend your marketing budget more effectively?
No CCs, No Obligations!
Track the effectiveness of your website lead generation with the help of Visual Visitor’s Website Visitor Tracking and Anonymous Visitor Identification. Start your FREE 14-day trial and experience the website visitor identification tool businesses trust.