Local Review Trends Now Available on Yelp
Yelp has been collecting online reviews of businesses down the street and around the world since 2004. As their 10 year anniversary hits, Yelp Trends is now available. With reviews from approximately 100 cities in 20+ countries, Yelp Trends seeks to uncover data from the more than 57 million reviews submitted over the past 10 years.
Yelp Trends is similar to Google Trends. Users can compare up to three keyword terms to see how they have performed on Yelp over the past 10 years. Keywords must be compared for performance in the same city. Data is collected from the full text of Yelp reviews.
The example below shows trends for the keywords gluten free, cupcakes and bakery in Atlanta since 2006.
According a Yelp blog post, “Our massive wealth of data and the high quality reviews contributed by the Yelp community are what allow us to surface consumer trends and behavior based on ten years of experiences shared by locals around the world. For example, are San Franciscans still sipping PBR or craving craft beer? Is the CrossFit fad still going strong or losing steam? Are Londoners loving bob hairstyles or feeling more fringe (that’s bangs, for you Americans) these days? And every city has its favorite food trucks now, but where did this meals-on-wheels phenomenon first take off?”
Check out Yelp Trends here.