How To Develop the Perfect Cold Open for You
The Cold Open: Although many people might wish otherwise, I’m here to tell you that in 2019 cold calling is still alive and kicking! B2B and B2C sellers everywhere are still practicing this approach every day! When approaching the art of Cold Calling in 2019, you must remember what is considered by many to the be the most important element of cold calling… the open.
There are a few different ways to come to the development of a fantastic open. Let’s go over a couple of them today.
Cold Open Option 1: Invite Yourself to the Conversation
When you go ahead and take the plunge and get that person on the line that you were hoping to talk to, start by inviting yourself to the conversation before you jump in with your sell. How to do this? Simple is best and just ask. “Hello Jane, this is Robert with Selling You Something. I know that I didn’t schedule this call with you, but is this a good time? I’d like to share with you some interesting Marketing Information I have come across that will help your department.”
Seems pretty simple and straightforward, right? What makes this approach one of the most efficient is that it is respectful and triggers the prospect’s interest.
This respectful method of gaining entry is a great way to get your foot in the door or to be scheduled to start the conversation at a later time.
Not sure that this method is for you?
Cold Open Option 2: Try the Announcement Approach
What exactly is the Announcement Approach? When you can get someone on the line, you open with a statement like, “Hi. My name is Mary, and I’m calling because of the new (blank) you just launched.” Using a known event as the opener shows that not only do you know their business/product and are not just calling down a list of numbers, but when this opening statement is followed by something like, “As with every new launch, proper Marketing from the onset is vital, and I have a solution that will definitely provide that special something you’re looking for!” The combination of the known event with the selling statement is a great opener for a conversation about how your service can help them sell their product.
Still not the perfect fit for your style?
Cold Open Option 3: Ask for Directions
Sometimes it’s okay to stop and ask for directions. “Hello. I’m Sara and I know that you are very busy. I am trying to find the person that can help me …” You have established that they are not the person that you are looking for so they will relax and (hopefully) not look for a reason to quickly end the call. Now you can take that quick moment to show your stuff with your researched knowledge of who/what they are and be specific in your reason for speaking with “someone in marketing.”
Although Cold Calling isn’t what it used to be, it isn’t dead yet! With online research being what it is, there is no reason that you cannot spend some time learning about the person or group you are trying to get in touch with.
Now, combining this style of Cold Calling with the data that Visual Visitor can provide you before, during, and after your approach can put you light years ahead of your competition. It can also give you real-time data on how your style is being received by the people you’re calling and what works and what doesn’t! For $59/month and no contract, how can you pass up an opportunity to achieve Cold Calling greatness like this?!