How to Close More Deals with Sales Email Tracking
First off, what exactly is sales email tracking?
Sales Email Tracking is a process that is used to monitor the specific impact that a sales email will have on the conversion of a lead to a sale. This modern technique goes beyond delivery, open rates, and click-through rates to actually measure the performance of the sales email. This is done by looking further at the ratio of emailed responses to the total number of emails sent. Visual Visitor allows you to take this even further by enabling you to take into account how many of those emails that you sent were actually opened. Add all of this up, and a Sales Manager can determine the effectiveness of their team’s sales email approach.
Many of our clients love using our Sales Email Tracking feature for prospecting and qualifying new leads. But now you know, Sales Email Tracking doesn’t have to stop there.
Sales Email Tracking used late in your sales funnel can lead to more closed deals. How?
follow-up">![sales email tracking](https://www.visualvisitor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/salesmeeting.png)
Today’s world is fast moving and busy. So often I hear that the customer loved the product and felt it was a good fit, but then life happened and they got too busy. You’ll know if your prospect lets something slip because you’ll immediately see that an email was not opened or read. Now you can follow up again without seeming pushy.
High level of engagement.
It feels good to know that your emails are getting opened and read. It feels even better when you get the Visual Visitor notification that your email got opened at the headquarters location.
Sales Email Tracking will help you close the deal by supporting your team before, during, and after the sales process. This feature is more than just a notification of a click or an open, it’s and direct line into the engagement level of your prospect.
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