Successful marketing requires frequent adjustment. Why? What worked for your business in the past won’t necessarily work in the future. The landscape of marketing platforms and channels is perpetually changing. As a result, your marketing strategy should undergo frequent review. But how do you know when it’s time to make a change?
Fortunately, Visual Visitor is here to help. We believe successful marketing is largely a matter of analytics. The more you know about the performance of your current marketing, the easier it will be to plan a better one in the future. That’s why we developed a variety of data collecting tools with your convenience in mind.
The Tools You Need…
Call tracking provides you with a detailed picture of your marketing performance. Specifically, it identifies which ads are driving calls. Unlike other companies, Visual Visitor offers keyword level call tracking. We can narrow down a caller’s referral source down to the keywords they typed into a search engine. How does this help you? It allows you to determine which ads and keywords are worth the money. In other words, it helps you invest your marketing dollars strategically.
Email tracking tells you when a prospect has opened your email. You won’t have to wonder if your email campaign was successful. You’ll know how many prospects opened your email and what steps they took after opening it. When you hit the tag button on an email, you can receive a notification every time the recipient returns to your site. Is your sales pitch effective? Are your email recipients browsing your site? Find out when you install email tracking software.
Website tracking identifies the people visiting your site and offers you a look at their browsing history. Are you curious which pages on your site are attracting clicks? Website tracking tells you which pages are leading to sales and, alternatively, which pages have a high bounce rate. Website tracking not only helps you proactively pursue customers. It also helps you strengthen the marketing language on your website. And it integrates seamlessly with our email tracking software to provide you with your customers’ browsing history.
Are Your Marketing Efforts Paying Off?
These powerful tools identify which marketing is driving people to your business and facilitating sales. If you don’t know how your marketing is performing, you’re likely wasting thousands of dollars each month. Pay per click ads and keywords are expensive. Take advantage of call tracking software to learn which ads are worth the money. And utilize our email tracking software to discover which email blasts are actually getting clicks. Taking these steps can not only save you a ton of money. It can help you strengthen your marketing and increase your sales.
Take the guesswork out of marketing. Click here to sign up for our 14-day free trial.
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