Day Kimball Healthcare

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  • Day Kimball Healthcare is Northeast Connecticut's premier provider of integrated healthcare services, comprised of Day Kimball Hospital, Day Kimball Medical Group, Day Kimball HomeCare, Day Kimball HomeMakers, Hospice & Palliative Care of Northeastern Connecticut, and healthcare centers in Danielson, Dayville, Plainfield, Putnam and Thompson. Our service area includes Northeast Connecticut as well as nearby Massachusetts and Rhode Island communities. Our comprehensive network of services is provided by more than 1,400 employees including nearly 300 associated, highly-skilled physicians, surgeons and specialists. We are a nonprofit comprehensive healthcare system offering primary care and a multitude of medical and surgical specialties along with leading-edge technology and sophisticated diagnostics. Our mission is to meet the health needs of the communities we serve through our core values of clinical quality, customer service, fiscal responsibility and local control.
  • location

    Headquarters:320 Pomfret Street , Putnam, Connecticut, United States

  • Day Kimball Healthcare phone

    Phone Number: +1 860-928-6541

  • Day Kimball Healthcare website


  • Day Kimball Healthcare employees


  • Day Kimball Healthcare revenue

    Revenue:$100 - 250M

  • Day Kimball Healthcare legal name

    Legal Name:Day Kimball Healthcare

  • Day Kimball Healthcare's Social Media

    Day Kimball Healthcare linkedin Day Kimball Healthcare facebook
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  • |  NAICS Code: 621399  |

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CEO for Day Kimball Healthcare

Bob Smanik

President And Chief Executive Officer

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View Employees

John Graham

Vpma, Chief Marketing Officer

Franzino Ronald

General Surgeon, Medical Staff President

Luanne Spooner

Senior Administrative Coordinator To Chief Financial Officer

Paul Beaudoin

Vice President Of Finance And Chief Financial Officer

Stephen Schiff

Vice Chairman, Department Of Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Day Kimball Healthcare

  • Where are Day Kimball Healthcare's Headquarters?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's Headquarters are in 320 Pomfret Street ,Putnam,Connecticut,United States

  • What is Day Kimball Healthcare's phone number?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's phone number is +1 860-928-6541

  • What is Day Kimball Healthcare's official website?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's official website is

  • What is Day Kimball Healthcare's Revenue?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's revenue is $100 - 250M

  • What is Day Kimball Healthcare's NAICS code?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's NAICS code is 621399

  • How many employees are working in Day Kimball Healthcare

    Day Kimball Healthcare has 544 employees

  • What is Day Kimball Healthcare's Industry?

    Day Kimball Healthcare is in the industry of Hospital & Health Care

  • Who is Day Kimball Healthcare's CEO?

    Day Kimball Healthcare's CEO is Bob Smanik

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