National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp

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  • National Cardiovascular Partners creates, sustains and grows independent, outpatient cardiac catheterization and vascular labs in unique business partnerships with physician entrepreneurs. Working closely with physician partners, who as majority stakeholders maintain clinical and financial control of their own businesses, NCP manages the entire development process from inception to completion, and upon opening continues to manage the back office and administration of each center, allowing physicians to focus on providing exceptional and innovative patient care.NCP is different than any other investment opportunity our partners see every day. One statement that NCP can make, that many other organizations cannot is quite simple: NCP allows physician partner groups to retain majority ownership in their new cath lab. Your lab, your choice and your freedom is within your control.NCP developed the successful business model based on:Each physician partner group retains majority ownershipNCPs equity position is acquired on the same basis, dollar for dollar, as the physician partnersThe cornerstone of each cath lab is the physician. National Cardiovascular Partners (NCP) majority ownership model acknowledges physicians vital contributions by weighting physician partner ownership with greater emphasis.As the nations leading provider of independent outpatient interventional lab facilities, NCP works hard to acquire, retain and grow leading talent in our industry. We understand that our people are the driver for our continued success and we have designed our culture to foster growth, reward performance and support the lives of the people that come in and out of our offices and lab facilities every day. Mission: To provide superior quality healthcare services that PATIENTS recommend to families and friends, PHYSICIANS prefer for their patients, and TEAMMATES take pride in.
  • location

    Headquarters:3925 West 50th Street Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota, United States

  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp phone

    Phone Number: +1 713-812-7586

  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp website


  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp employees


  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp revenue

    Revenue:$10 - 50M

  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp legal name

    Legal Name:National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp

  • National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Social Media

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp linkedin National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp facebook National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 621111  |

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Chief Clinical Officer for National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp

Kelly Bemis

Chief Clinical Officer

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View Employees

Kelly Bemis

Chief Clinical Officer

Christi Bowden

Chief Financial Officer

Brian Hill

Vice President, Site Development

Karen Payne

Vice President Clinical Operations

Ctbme Caroline Michiels

Vice President Of Integration And Operational Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions regarding National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp

  • Where are National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Headquarters?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Headquarters are in 3925 West 50th Street Suite 200,Edina,Minnesota,United States

  • What is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's phone number?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's phone number is +1 713-812-7586

  • What is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's official website?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's official website is

  • What is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Revenue?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's revenue is $10 - 50M

  • What is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's NAICS code?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's NAICS code is 621111

  • How many employees are working in National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp has 122 employees

  • What is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Industry?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp is in the industry of Hospital & Health Care

  • Who is National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Chief Clinical Officer?

    National Cardiovascular Partners, Lp's Chief Clinical Officer is Kelly Bemis

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