Pathways To College

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  • Katherine specializes in college admissions, the Birkman Method Assessment, learning style assessment, and financial aid. She is a member of the Texas Association for College Admissions Counselors.Pathways is dedicated to helping you and your student navigate the difficult road towards higher education. From choosing a college or college major, to financing your students' college education, parents and students alike suffer from confusion and mis-information. Katherine has worked with families for over 8 years and is an expert at soothing their fears and guiding them through this life-changing experience. She has conducted extensive research on the issues facing parents and students making postsecondary educational decisions. Her passion lies in helping students discover their path in life.
  • location

    Headquarters:1803 Laguna Meadows Lane , Houston, Texas, United States

  • Pathways To College phone

    Phone Number: +1 281-610-5616

  • Pathways To College website


  • Pathways To College employees


  • Pathways To College revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Pathways To College legal name

    Legal Name:Pathways To College

  • Pathways To College's Social Media

    Pathways To College linkedin
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Person level website identification

Chief Operations Officer for Pathways To College

Charles Gleason

Chief Operations Officer

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View Employees

Charles Gleason

Chief Operations Officer

Salle Bayer-Carney

Vice President Board Member

Craig Merrill

Principal And Executive Director

Emma Justice

Director Of Advancement

Kalei Shaw

Social Media Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Pathways To College

  • Where are Pathways To College's Headquarters?

    Pathways To College's Headquarters are in 1803 Laguna Meadows Lane ,Houston,Texas,United States

  • What is Pathways To College's phone number?

    Pathways To College's phone number is +1 281-610-5616

  • What is Pathways To College's official website?

    Pathways To College's official website is

  • What is Pathways To College's Revenue?

    Pathways To College's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • How many employees are working in Pathways To College

    Pathways To College has 11 employees

  • What is Pathways To College's Industry?

    Pathways To College is in the industry of Education Management

  • Who is Pathways To College's Chief Operations Officer?

    Pathways To College's Chief Operations Officer is Charles Gleason

  • Who is Pathways To College's Vice President Board Member?

    Pathways To College's Vice President Board Member is Salle Bayer-Carney

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