Freshcut Design Agency

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  • FreshCut Design Agency is located in the heart of Chicago; we will work with anyone anywhere in the world. Design is the foundation of our company. We are passionate about what we do and when we create a website, a new logo, or do a major creative makeover of the companys brand, it will be done with a unique and unforgettable presence. We help businesses become a success.At FreshCut we believe direct communication is essential between the client and the designers working on the project. This partnership ensures a successful result.FreshCut has always been green and we give you the option to be as well. All of our print services include the choice of 100% recycled paper.
  • location

    Headquarters: , , Illinois, United States

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  • Freshcut Design Agency employees


  • Freshcut Design Agency revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Freshcut Design Agency legal name

    Legal Name:Freshcut Design Agency

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  • |  NAICS Code: 541430  |

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Founder And Creative Director for Freshcut Design Agency

Amanda Nelson

Founder And Creative Director

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View Employees

Amanda Nelson

Founder And Creative Director

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Freshcut Design Agency

  • What is Freshcut Design Agency's official website?

    Freshcut Design Agency's official website is

  • What is Freshcut Design Agency's Revenue?

    Freshcut Design Agency's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Freshcut Design Agency's NAICS code?

    Freshcut Design Agency's NAICS code is 541430

  • How many employees are working in Freshcut Design Agency

    Freshcut Design Agency has 3 employees

  • What is Freshcut Design Agency's Industry?

    Freshcut Design Agency is in the industry of Design

  • Who is Freshcut Design Agency's Founder And Creative Director?

    Freshcut Design Agency's Founder And Creative Director is Amanda Nelson

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