K.I. Computing

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  • I began my work in the IT Industry in 1987 with my entrance into the US Navy's Advanced Electronics Program. I worked on what were then called mini-computers and in a networked environment. I've repaired all the way to the component level on computer circuit boards. You just don't see that done anymore.I've worked as a field service technician for companies such as Wang Global, Optimal Robotics and Mysis Healthcare. I've worked in large cities and small towns. I can guarantee that I haven't seen it all.In 2005 I took my family in an entirely new direction. We all moved to Powell, WY and I started my own computer repair business. I have worked for Lovell, WY Police Department, Wyoming Migrant Health and many other commercial and non-profit organizations. In fact, Ron Sayler, Communications Supervisor for the Lovell PD, refers clients to us as often as he can.K.I. Computing has gone from a simple break/fix company to offering some of the most relevant IT services companies demand from the Cloud. From the very ubiquitous Office 365 to Hosted PBX. From IT Managed Services to offering Backup/Disaster Recovery with Business Continuity. Now I've gone in a new direction.K.I. Computing now serves exclusively to Dental Offices. I feel this market is underserved by local IT companies. There are several one stop large companies that can serve your needs but we want to see if we can do the same. If we cannot, we want to help you find that IT company that can and assure they're as local to you as possible. We want to know what you need and how we can help provide that service to you.
  • location

    Headquarters:306 1 2 North Bent Street Suite B, Powell, Wyoming, United States

  • K.I. Computing phone

    Phone Number: +1 307-754-4354

  • K.I. Computing website

    Website: https://www.kicomputing.com

  • K.I. Computing employees


  • K.I. Computing revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • K.I. Computing legal name

    Legal Name:K.I. Computing

  • K.I. Computing's Social Media

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  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 541519  |

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Owner, K.I. Computing for K.I. Computing

David Kellett

Owner, K.I. Computing

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View Employees

David Kellett

Owner, K.I. Computing

Lee Kin

Vice President

Mona Kazi

Managing Director

Frequently Asked Questions regarding K.I. Computing

  • Where are K.I. Computing's Headquarters?

    K.I. Computing's Headquarters are in 306 1 2 North Bent Street Suite B,Powell,Wyoming,United States

  • What is K.I. Computing's phone number?

    K.I. Computing's phone number is +1 307-754-4354

  • What is K.I. Computing's official website?

    K.I. Computing's official website is https://www.kicomputing.com

  • What is K.I. Computing's Revenue?

    K.I. Computing's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is K.I. Computing's NAICS code?

    K.I. Computing's NAICS code is 541519

  • How many employees are working in K.I. Computing

    K.I. Computing has 12 employees

  • What is K.I. Computing's Industry?

    K.I. Computing is in the industry of Information Technology And Services

  • Who is K.I. Computing's Owner, K.I. Computing?

    K.I. Computing's Owner, K.I. Computing is David Kellett

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