Peacock Marketing Group

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  • WHO WE ARE Peacock Marketing Group is a boutique marketing agency with a focus on website design and experience across all facets of marketing communications. From website creation and SEO services to press releases and email campaigns, Peacock Marketing Group is here to make your life easier. Many of the Peacock clients don't have in-house marketing personnel or their marketing personnel are overtaxed and have little time for new or expanded projects. By outsourcing marketing to a third party, you can quickly get projects completed. These projects may consist of an item that has been on your to-do list for months, or it may be a brand new project that needs an immediate, dedicated, and consistent jump start. OUR MARKETING TEAM Peacock Marketing Group is a boutique agency. Because of the company size and her strategy to stay small, owner Lisa Anderson rarely markets herself or her company around townyou likely heard about her through happy clients or friends. Those that have worked with Lisa previously know she is dependable and not easily scared. She knows how to get things done, and she has twenty five years of hands-on marketing experience. All this while using the latest tricks of the trade and bringing new and innovative ideas to the table. WHY WE'RE UNIQUE Peacock Marketing Group is different than your typical marketing firm. A few things that make us unique: -We make it simple. -We don't have meetings to plan a meeting that's a result of a previous meeting. -Mediocrity is not accepted. We're aiming to hit it out of the ballpark every time. -We don't have high overhead because we are small and independent. -We accept and welcome jobs of all sizes. -We give you technology that can grow with you. -We deliver.
  • location

    Headquarters: , Greenville, North Carolina, United States

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  • Peacock Marketing Group employees


  • Peacock Marketing Group revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Peacock Marketing Group legal name

    Legal Name:Peacock Marketing Group

  • Peacock Marketing Group's Social Media

    Peacock Marketing Group linkedin Peacock Marketing Group facebook
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  • |  NAICS Code: 541810  |

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Person level website identification

Owner for Peacock Marketing Group

Roy Bilberry


Person level website visitor identification

Sell more in less time!

Buyer intent data, anonymous visitor identification, first party data integration backed by a massive contact database that will supercharge your sales team. Schedule a demo to learn more!

View Employees

Roy Bilberry


Terri Hoffman

Manager Marketing

Ashok Babu


Frequently Asked Questions regarding Peacock Marketing Group

  • What is Peacock Marketing Group's official website?

    Peacock Marketing Group's official website is

  • What is Peacock Marketing Group's Revenue?

    Peacock Marketing Group's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Peacock Marketing Group's NAICS code?

    Peacock Marketing Group's NAICS code is 541810

  • How many employees are working in Peacock Marketing Group

    Peacock Marketing Group has 6 employees

  • What is Peacock Marketing Group's Industry?

    Peacock Marketing Group is in the industry of Marketing And Advertising

  • Who is Peacock Marketing Group's Owner?

    Peacock Marketing Group's Owner is Roy Bilberry

  • Who is Peacock Marketing Group's Manager Marketing?

    Peacock Marketing Group's Manager Marketing is Terri Hoffman

  • Who is Peacock Marketing Group's Manager?

    Peacock Marketing Group's Manager is Ashok Babu

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