I M Kangen Water

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  • NO disease Nada - Nothing can grow in a body that is alkaline rather than acidic. The Japanese live the longest The US ranks 38th! The Japanese have an Ionizer producing alkaline water and other waters in 1 out of every 6 homes, we don't.So the secret to great health is really simple - rid your body of acid by drinking lots of high alkaline water daily and eating more alkaline foods! 100 years ago the US water size was much smaller. Now after recycling its 15 to 90 so it cant hydrate at a cellular level to remove acid!All disease is explained by the Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg and his What is Cancer of 1931. Western medicine is built on a pill for every ill while Eastern is all about prevention and pH. 1950s Russian water study found 7 wells were people lived longer with substantially better health over a 1000 years and were highly alkaline. The water had an extra electron to neutralize free radicals plus is was much smaller than other water. Google Hunzas. They live to 135 or 145 with a with these waters and a good diet. Now you can get the education and have it home delivered if you're local.
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    Headquarters: , , California, United States

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    Revenue:$1 - 10M

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    Legal Name:I M Kangen Water

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  • |  NAICS Code: 621330  |

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Project Manager for I M Kangen Water

Shakerian Hayes

Project Manager

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Shakerian Hayes

Project Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding I M Kangen Water

  • What is I M Kangen Water's Revenue?

    I M Kangen Water's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is I M Kangen Water's NAICS code?

    I M Kangen Water's NAICS code is 621330

  • How many employees are working in I M Kangen Water

    I M Kangen Water has 4 employees

  • What is I M Kangen Water's Industry?

    I M Kangen Water is in the industry of Health, Wellness And Fitness

  • Who is I M Kangen Water's Project Manager?

    I M Kangen Water's Project Manager is Shakerian Hayes

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