National Everything Wholesale

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  • Where Unsung Heroes Make It HappenIt's not us . . . rather, think of these remarkable front-line heroes: the kind woman who works hard scrubbing & cleaning so your office is sharp for your customers and employees; and yet, why so few know her name? or, the MacGyver-like maintenance guy who takes great pride in calmly dealing with the chronic complainers about the HVAC system, burned out light bulbs, broken toilets or shows up brutally early in the morning to clear walks of ice and snow; and yet, why doesn't he get the same recognition as all the other office folks? or, the shipping manager out back who is expected to get unexpected rush packages shipped quickly; and yet, doesn't get a simple thank you for meeting an nearly impossible deadline? or, the clothing store manager who thoughtfully takes ownership of every tiny detail so customers have an wickedly pleasant experience and who tirelessly works to build customer brand loyalty; and yet, how few appreciate those exhausting efforts? or, the hospital environmental services guy whose professionalism is in action when he ensures blood, urine and bodily fluid spills are quickly cleaned the right way to prevent deadly HAI infections; and yet, why do too many doctors and administrators look down at this vital role?Our folks supply the millions of Unsung Heroes whose pride and perseverance make the world go . . . . we take care of the Unsung Heroes who work so hard to take care of others.A Veteran & Family Company Since 1979.
  • location

    Headquarters:2511 S 156Th Cir , Omaha, Nebraska, United States

  • National Everything Wholesale phone

    Phone Number: +1 800-647-2737

  • National Everything Wholesale website


  • National Everything Wholesale employees


  • National Everything Wholesale revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • National Everything Wholesale legal name

    Legal Name:National Everything Wholesale

  • National Everything Wholesale's Social Media

    National Everything Wholesale linkedin National Everything Wholesale facebook National Everything Wholesale twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 423990  |

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Person level website identification

President for National Everything Wholesale

Bo Ochsner


Person level website visitor identification

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View Employees

Bo Ochsner


Bill Ochsner

President At National Paper And Sanitary Supply, Co

Lssybc Chris Gebeke

Director Of Procurement

Shawn Nutter

Business Development Manager

Aaron Davis

Operations Manager And Controller

Frequently Asked Questions regarding National Everything Wholesale

  • Where are National Everything Wholesale's Headquarters?

    National Everything Wholesale's Headquarters are in 2511 S 156Th Cir ,Omaha,Nebraska,United States

  • What is National Everything Wholesale's phone number?

    National Everything Wholesale's phone number is +1 800-647-2737

  • What is National Everything Wholesale's official website?

    National Everything Wholesale's official website is

  • What is National Everything Wholesale's Revenue?

    National Everything Wholesale's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is National Everything Wholesale's NAICS code?

    National Everything Wholesale's NAICS code is 423990

  • How many employees are working in National Everything Wholesale

    National Everything Wholesale has 18 employees

  • What is National Everything Wholesale's Industry?

    National Everything Wholesale is in the industry of Business Supplies And Equipment

  • Who is National Everything Wholesale's President?

    National Everything Wholesale's President is Bo Ochsner

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