Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.

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  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. was founded in 1973 by Bruce W. Burr and B. Jack Cole and incorporated, 1982. In October 2004, Joel T. Johnson, P.E. became the firm's President and Bernard Zawada, P.E. our firm's Secretary/Treasurer. Stephen J. Green, P.E. remains a principal.Our firm and employees strive to provide conscientious design. We emphasize on-time delivery, within-budget costs, and management of design and construction quality. Our firm's philosophy is that all personnel continually seek skill improvement. We encourage employees to attend seminars, advance his/her education, and to participate in professional organizations. On most projects we use preliminary design design of Senior Engineer followed by the final design of the Project Engineer for quality control.We have an extensive library of references and computer software for design and cost estimates. We are currently getting ready to start using BIM modeling software. The use of BIM software will help us model our projects in a 3D view allowing us to design more efficiently!
  • location

    Headquarters:3485 Poplar Ave Ste 200, Memphis, Tennessee, United States

  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. phone

    Phone Number: +1 901-452-9676

  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. website

    Website: http://www.burrcole.com/

  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. employees


  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. legal name

    Legal Name:Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.

  • Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Social Media

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. linkedin
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 541360  |

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Hiring Manager for Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Heather Robertson

Hiring Manager

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Heather Robertson

Hiring Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.

  • Where are Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Headquarters?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Headquarters are in 3485 Poplar Ave Ste 200,Memphis,Tennessee,United States

  • What is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s phone number?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s phone number is +1 901-452-9676

  • What is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s official website?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s official website is http://www.burrcole.com/

  • What is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Revenue?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s NAICS code?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s NAICS code is 541360

  • How many employees are working in Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. has 4 employees

  • What is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Industry?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc. is in the industry of Civil Engineering

  • Who is Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Hiring Manager?

    Burr & Cole Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s Hiring Manager is Heather Robertson

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