Darrow School

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  • Darrow School, an independent, coed, boarding and day school for grades 912 PG in New Lebanon, NY, offers a comprehensive college-preparatory curriculum that emphasizes strong critical thinking and writing skills in all subject areas. At Darrow, we put learning into action.In classrooms, students engage in energized dialogue and spirited debate about classic areas of study. They are challenged to step up, apply their talents to a dynamic curriculum, and become active participants in their education. Across our campus, they engage in hands-on experiments, artistic and athletic pursuits, innovative environmental practices, and service learning that brings their education to life through hard work thats meaningful and fun.Darrow combines traditional subject areas with highly creative electives that allow students to cultivate their own passions and fascinations. Its about balance.We believe strongly in the value of liberal arts studies in preparation for college: world language, the arts, history, math, science, and literature. But we do not always teach these topics in traditional ways. Through project-based learning, dynamic classrooms, cross-curricular instruction, and the natural creative talent of our teachers, Darrow students acquire intellectual skills in new, exciting ways.We believe equally that students must discover their own passions, learn to ask essential questions, construct meaning, test ideas, and contribute to a learning community. This is why we offer more electives than many other private schools. Life at Darrow is defined by a feeling of sincere acceptance among students, and academic challenges backed by unwavering support from faculty, staff, and leadership. The collective spirit of the Darrow community creates a place that brings out the best of each member.Visit www.darrowschool.org or call 518-794-6000 for more information about applying to Darrow School.
  • location

    Headquarters:110 Darrow Road , New Lebanon, New York, United States

  • Darrow School phone

    Phone Number: +1 518-794-6000

  • Darrow School website

    Website: https://www.darrowschool.org

  • Darrow School employees


  • Darrow School revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Darrow School legal name

    Legal Name:Darrow School

  • Darrow School's Social Media

    Darrow School linkedin Darrow School facebook Darrow School twitter
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  • |  NAICS Code: 611110  |

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Facilities Director for Darrow School

Tom Fac

Facilities Director

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View Employees

Tom Fac

Facilities Director

Sandro Oré

Director, Strategic Marketing And Communications

Andrew Vadnais

Head Of School

Shana Spratt

Director Of Nursing

Mary Daly

Library Director

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Darrow School

  • Where are Darrow School's Headquarters?

    Darrow School's Headquarters are in 110 Darrow Road ,New Lebanon,New York,United States

  • What is Darrow School's phone number?

    Darrow School's phone number is +1 518-794-6000

  • What is Darrow School's official website?

    Darrow School's official website is https://www.darrowschool.org

  • What is Darrow School's Revenue?

    Darrow School's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Darrow School's NAICS code?

    Darrow School's NAICS code is 611110

  • How many employees are working in Darrow School

    Darrow School has 37 employees

  • What is Darrow School's Industry?

    Darrow School is in the industry of Primary/Secondary Education

  • Who is Darrow School's Facilities Director?

    Darrow School's Facilities Director is Tom Fac

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