B. Antonio's Pizza

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  • B. Antonio's has two restaurants in the Fort Wayne Area with a full service dining room, carry out, and delivery services available. We operate under the philosophy that customers should be served outrageously, and we train our staff to operate in those same values. We believe technology and systems integration will prepare us to be a staple in the marketplace for years to come. We also work very hard to make sure the food we serve you will nourish your body, with ingredients like all-natural, antibiotic free chicken, fresh romaine lettuce, vine-ripened tomatoes, gluten free crusts, and whole wheat options available on our menu.
  • location

    Headquarters: , Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

  • B. Antonio's Pizza phone

    Phone Number:

  • B. Antonio's Pizza website


  • B. Antonio's Pizza employees


  • B. Antonio's Pizza revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • B. Antonio's Pizza legal name

    Legal Name:B. Antonio's Pizza

  • B. Antonio's Pizza's Social Media

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  • |  NAICS Code: 711110  |

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Person level website identification

Owner for B. Antonio's Pizza

Amanda Nighswander


Person level website visitor identification

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View Employees

Amanda Nighswander


Cameryn Crawford

Shift Manager

Rachel Chipps

Shift Manager

Anna Folker


Jennifer Wegner

General Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding B. Antonio's Pizza

  • What is B. Antonio's Pizza's Revenue?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is B. Antonio's Pizza's NAICS code?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's NAICS code is 711110

  • How many employees are working in B. Antonio's Pizza

    B. Antonio's Pizza has 14 employees

  • What is B. Antonio's Pizza's Industry?

    B. Antonio's Pizza is in the industry of Restaurants

  • Who is B. Antonio's Pizza's Owner?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's Owner is Amanda Nighswander

  • Who is B. Antonio's Pizza's Shift Manager?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's Shift Manager is Cameryn Crawford

  • Who is B. Antonio's Pizza's Shift Manager?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's Shift Manager is Rachel Chipps

  • Who is B. Antonio's Pizza's Manager?

    B. Antonio's Pizza's Manager is Anna Folker

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