Freedom Healthworks, Llc

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  • Freedom Healthworks believes that there is a better way to practice medicine, a better way to deliver care, and a better way to improve the lives of all Americans. The current system of healthcare is a unique monster that swallows up doctors and patients. There are many losers in this system and the only winners are insurance companies. Freedom Healthworks enables a shift to occur in this industry, a shift towards better care, lower costs, and higher standards of living. Our model cuts out the profit-sapping 3rd party payers and allows transparent pricing at the doctor's office.We attest that patients everywhere, of all backgrounds, will experience a higher level of affordable, personalized care and medical professionals will be able to return to practicing medicine and devoted the necessary resources to correctly assessing, monitoring, evaluating, and treating all patients. The priority switches from quantity of patients seen to quality of care given.Freedom Healthworks is the change that is needed and with our help, doctors everywhere will be able to provide better care and improve the quality of life for themselves and for their patients.Freedom Healthworks enables doctors to once again practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced - according to their professional experience and clinical judgment - rather than by hospital, insurance or government fiat. Currently utilized at over 4,000 practices in the United States,direct pay practice enables doctors to adjust their own menu of services and pricing to better serve patients. Sidelining the insurance companies lowers overall costs to patients, raises the quality of care and boosts patient satisfaction. Freedom Healthworks has pioneered the first full-service, turnkey toolkit making the direct pay practice a realistic option accessible to all physicians. Run your practice, set your prices and deliver care as you see fit - and we'll handle the rest.
  • location

    Headquarters:155 East Market Street Suite 865, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc phone

    Phone Number: +1 317-804-1203

  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc website


  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc employees


  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc legal name

    Legal Name:Freedom Healthworks, Llc

  • Freedom Healthworks, Llc's Social Media

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc linkedin Freedom Healthworks, Llc facebook Freedom Healthworks, Llc twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 621111  |

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CEO for Freedom Healthworks, Llc

Christopher Habig

Chief Executive Officer And Co Founder

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Buyer intent data, anonymous visitor identification, first party data integration backed by a massive contact database that will supercharge your sales team. Schedule a demo to learn more!

View Employees

Adam Habig

President, Co-Founder

Susan Bavisotto

Relationship And Success Manager

Melissa Baklas

Brand Marketing Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Freedom Healthworks, Llc

  • Where are Freedom Healthworks, Llc's Headquarters?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's Headquarters are in 155 East Market Street Suite 865,Indianapolis,Indiana,United States

  • What is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's phone number?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's phone number is +1 317-804-1203

  • What is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's official website?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's official website is

  • What is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's Revenue?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's NAICS code?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's NAICS code is 621111

  • How many employees are working in Freedom Healthworks, Llc

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc has 9 employees

  • What is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's Industry?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc is in the industry of Consumer Services

  • Who is Freedom Healthworks, Llc's CEO?

    Freedom Healthworks, Llc's CEO is Christopher Habig

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