Xavier Leadership Center

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  • You live and work in the real world. So should your learning.For over 50 years, Xavier Leadership Center has delivered high quality leadership and business professional development programs for global, regional and local organizations and individuals. Who We Are:We have helped tens of thousands of individuals become more successfulno matter what the role in the organizationall the while taking organizations to new heights. We meet individuals and organizations where they are today, understand the skills and talents they already possess, and offer programs and services that will give them a competitive edge in their professional development journey. We listen and respond to each individuals and organizations needs and challenges, and then suggest a program or service that is specifically right for them, whether it be a customized program or joining us for an open enrollment program at our Corporate University @ Xavier University, or helping guide you and your organization with our professional advisory services. We believe every business professional and organization has the potential to do great things, if they have the right skills, tools and application necessary to do so.What We Do:We have assembled a group of brilliant and successful people from within Xavier University and from the outside worldexecutives, teachers, thinkers, researchers and practitionersto deliver the best custom and open enrollment programs as well as advisory services the marketplace has to offer. We have served over 125 companies and organizations, and just this past year, over 1,000 individuals have participated in the Corporate University @ Xavier University, our exclusive and flexible Open Enrollment program.
  • location

    Headquarters:3800 Victory Parkway , Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

  • Xavier Leadership Center phone

    Phone Number: +1 513-745-1094

  • Xavier Leadership Center website

    Website: https://www.xavierleadershipcenter.com

  • Xavier Leadership Center employees


  • Xavier Leadership Center revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Xavier Leadership Center legal name

    Legal Name:Xavier Leadership Center

  • Xavier Leadership Center's Social Media

    Xavier Leadership Center linkedin Xavier Leadership Center facebook Xavier Leadership Center twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 621111  |

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Person level website identification

Director, Xavier Leadership Center for Xavier Leadership Center

Carol Turchick

Director, Xavier Leadership Center

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View Employees

Carol Turchick

Director, Xavier Leadership Center

Ali Chadwell

Program Manager

Ali Julian

Program Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Xavier Leadership Center

  • Where are Xavier Leadership Center's Headquarters?

    Xavier Leadership Center's Headquarters are in 3800 Victory Parkway ,Cincinnati,Ohio,United States

  • What is Xavier Leadership Center's phone number?

    Xavier Leadership Center's phone number is +1 513-745-1094

  • What is Xavier Leadership Center's official website?

    Xavier Leadership Center's official website is https://www.xavierleadershipcenter.com

  • What is Xavier Leadership Center's Revenue?

    Xavier Leadership Center's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Xavier Leadership Center's NAICS code?

    Xavier Leadership Center's NAICS code is 621111

  • How many employees are working in Xavier Leadership Center

    Xavier Leadership Center has 16 employees

  • What is Xavier Leadership Center's Industry?

    Xavier Leadership Center is in the industry of Professional Training & Coaching

  • Who is Xavier Leadership Center's Director, Xavier Leadership Center?

    Xavier Leadership Center's Director, Xavier Leadership Center is Carol Turchick

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