Burns Environmental Services

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  • Welcome to Burns Environmental Services, a leader in environmental remediation. We are excited to welcome you to our Linked In page and look forward to providing for your environmental needs. We are a full service environmental remediation and demolition firm. Our primary focus is to provide customers with economic and efficient solutions. Professionalism, clear communication and integrity are core standards at Burns Environmental Services. Our clients know they can depend on us to consistently exceed expectations, every time.Burns Environmental Services is dedicated to helping clients complete their projects safely and on time. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction, thoroughness, and follow through.MissionOur mission is to become a global leader in the environmental remediation industry by taking a genuine and passionate interest in the growth of our people and our clients.We will continue to expand and increase our influence on the domestic and international stage, while constantly developing our leadership roles in the for-profit and non-profit sectors.Through our vision, our competitive drive to be the best, and our unrelenting work ethic, we will make our positive mark on the world by making a positive mark in the lives of every individual or organization we come in contact with.
  • location

    Headquarters:19360 Rinaldi Street Suite 381, Northridge, California, United States

  • Burns Environmental Services phone

    Phone Number: +1 800-893-4893

  • Burns Environmental Services website

    Website: https://www.burns-enviro.com

  • Burns Environmental Services employees


  • Burns Environmental Services revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Burns Environmental Services legal name

    Legal Name:Burns Environmental Services

  • Burns Environmental Services's Social Media

    Burns Environmental Services linkedin Burns Environmental Services facebook
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 813212  |

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Person level website identification

Human Resources Director for Burns Environmental Services

Adam Lieber

Human Resources Director

Person level website visitor identification

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View Employees

Adam Lieber

Human Resources Director

Benjamin Espinoza


Caleb Lagos

Project Manager

Emanuel Solis

Project Manager


Collections Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Burns Environmental Services

  • Where are Burns Environmental Services's Headquarters?

    Burns Environmental Services's Headquarters are in 19360 Rinaldi Street Suite 381,Northridge,California,United States

  • What is Burns Environmental Services's phone number?

    Burns Environmental Services's phone number is +1 800-893-4893

  • What is Burns Environmental Services's official website?

    Burns Environmental Services's official website is https://www.burns-enviro.com

  • What is Burns Environmental Services's Revenue?

    Burns Environmental Services's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Burns Environmental Services's NAICS code?

    Burns Environmental Services's NAICS code is 813212

  • How many employees are working in Burns Environmental Services

    Burns Environmental Services has 19 employees

  • What is Burns Environmental Services's Industry?

    Burns Environmental Services is in the industry of Environmental Services

  • Who is Burns Environmental Services's Human Resources Director?

    Burns Environmental Services's Human Resources Director is Adam Lieber

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