National Children's Center

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  • National Children's Center, Inc. (NCC) is a recognized leader in providing comprehensive and innovative services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in the District of Columbia and Maryland. NCC partners with the people that we serve, their families and others in the community, to work toward a clear vision for the future. We believe that people with developmental disabilities should have every resource necessary to learn, live, work, grow and thrive in their community - which fully embraces them as valued and contributing members of society.Our mission is to provide a lifetime of opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities, and to provide them with the necessary tools to live full, meaningful and productive lives.Over the years, NCC began serving children with other developmental disabilities, including Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, and brain injuries. As children in the program began to mature into adulthood, NCC broadened their service spectrum and continued to provide them with the adult services they required as well. Each day, hundreds of children and adults, from ages 8 weeks through 70+ years, with developmental disabilities receive the services they require in order to live, grow and thrive in their community.
  • location

    Headquarters:6200 Second Street , Washington, District Of Columbia, United States

  • National Children's Center phone

    Phone Number: +1 202-722-2300

  • National Children's Center website


  • National Children's Center employees


  • National Children's Center revenue

    Revenue:$50 - 100M

  • National Children's Center legal name

    Legal Name:National Children's Center

  • National Children's Center's Social Media

    National Children's Center linkedin National Children's Center twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 621111  |

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CEO for National Children's Center

Patricia Browne

President And Chief Executive Officer

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View Employees

Donald Rodrick

Chief Financial Officer

Angie Deeds

Chief Financial Officer

Terrance King

Chief Operating Officer

Steven Dickerson

Training Director

Marcus Handy

Director Of Residential Services

Frequently Asked Questions regarding National Children's Center

  • Where are National Children's Center's Headquarters?

    National Children's Center's Headquarters are in 6200 Second Street ,Washington,District Of Columbia,United States

  • What is National Children's Center's phone number?

    National Children's Center's phone number is +1 202-722-2300

  • What is National Children's Center's official website?

    National Children's Center's official website is

  • What is National Children's Center's Revenue?

    National Children's Center's revenue is $50 - 100M

  • What is National Children's Center's NAICS code?

    National Children's Center's NAICS code is 621111

  • How many employees are working in National Children's Center

    National Children's Center has 175 employees

  • What is National Children's Center's Industry?

    National Children's Center is in the industry of Non-Profit Organization Management

  • Who is National Children's Center's CEO?

    National Children's Center's CEO is Patricia Browne

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