Fregonese Associates

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  • Fregonese Associates is a full-service Oregon based land-use planning firm with a strong track record of helping make better cities and regions. Our dynamic, multi-disciplinary team provides innovative solutions and technical expertise that help communities shape when, where and how they grow. We specialize in comprehensive planning, Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis, visualizations, land-use ordinances, implementation strategies, and innovative public involvement programs and materials. We work with leaders and their constituents to develop approaches to solving problems, addressing future growth, and engaging citizens in meaningful discussions about what they want for their future. We believe in creating plans that can be implemented, taking into account market realities and political considerations.At Fregonese Associates, we work closely with clients in the public and private sectors: planning staff, elected officials, real estate developers, business leaders and civic leaders. Our clients run the gamut from small-town communities to large, complex metropolitan regions and state legislatures.Our philosophy is that our clients are experts about their communities. Our job is to complement that knowledge and expertise with new ideas, a fresh approach and the experience that we have acquired in working with cities and regions throughout the United States. In every project, we create high-quality products that our clients use to guide decision-making.
  • location

    Headquarters:1525 Southwest Park Avenue Suite 200, Portland, Oregon, United States

  • Fregonese Associates phone

    Phone Number: +1 503-228-3054

  • Fregonese Associates website


  • Fregonese Associates employees


  • Fregonese Associates revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Fregonese Associates legal name

    Legal Name:Fregonese Associates

  • Fregonese Associates's Social Media

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  • |  NAICS Code: 813990  |

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Owner for Fregonese Associates

John Fregonese


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View Employees

John Fregonese


Cassandra Dobson

Project Manager

Janet Fregonese

Finance Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Fregonese Associates

  • Where are Fregonese Associates's Headquarters?

    Fregonese Associates's Headquarters are in 1525 Southwest Park Avenue Suite 200,Portland,Oregon,United States

  • What is Fregonese Associates's phone number?

    Fregonese Associates's phone number is +1 503-228-3054

  • What is Fregonese Associates's official website?

    Fregonese Associates's official website is

  • What is Fregonese Associates's Revenue?

    Fregonese Associates's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Fregonese Associates's NAICS code?

    Fregonese Associates's NAICS code is 813990

  • How many employees are working in Fregonese Associates

    Fregonese Associates has 9 employees

  • What is Fregonese Associates's Industry?

    Fregonese Associates is in the industry of Architecture & Planning

  • Who is Fregonese Associates's Owner?

    Fregonese Associates's Owner is John Fregonese

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