Fagor Commercial

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  • Fagor Commercial, Inc. headquartered in Florida is the North American division of Fagor. Taking advantage of its worldwide experience, Fagor Commercial has as its main objective to provide our customers with the same knowledge, quality and service that Fagor has established all across the globe. Our products have been recognized by the most demanding institutions in various countries, an unmistakable indication that we have understood the meaning of the word Quality.Fagor was established in 1960 with its main offices in Oñati Spain. Through the years, Fagor Industrial has become one of the leaders in the European market for Cooking, Laundry, Dishwashing and Refrigeration equipment. Nowadays Fagor Industrial has the benefit of eight manufacturing plants with a presence in more than 90 countries on 5 continents, including 22 subsidiaries in places such as United Kingdom, Mexico, Australia and the United States. Fagor Industrial Mexico is the latest of three manufacturing facilities built within the last 2 years. Designed to manufacture Refrigeration equipment specifically for the North American market place, this facility is the key to satisfy the demands of this ever growing market and guarantee the success of the project.
  • location

    Headquarters: , , Florida, United States

  • Fagor Commercial phone

    Phone Number:

  • Fagor Commercial website

    Website: https://www.fagorcommercial.com

  • Fagor Commercial employees


  • Fagor Commercial revenue

    Revenue:$0 - 1M

  • Fagor Commercial legal name

    Legal Name:Fagor Commercial

  • Fagor Commercial's Social Media

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  • |  NAICS Code: 711110  |

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Vice President Sales And Marketing for Fagor Commercial

Jose Perez

Vice President Sales And Marketing

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View Employees

Jose Perez

Vice President Sales And Marketing

Diego Isasi

Parts Distributon Manager

Jaharie Wheeler

Lead Service Corrdinator

Tommy Murati

Marketing And Communications Manager

Manuel Fernandez

Warehouse Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Fagor Commercial

  • What is Fagor Commercial's official website?

    Fagor Commercial's official website is https://www.fagorcommercial.com

  • What is Fagor Commercial's Revenue?

    Fagor Commercial's revenue is $0 - 1M

  • What is Fagor Commercial's NAICS code?

    Fagor Commercial's NAICS code is 711110

  • How many employees are working in Fagor Commercial

    Fagor Commercial has 7 employees

  • What is Fagor Commercial's Industry?

    Fagor Commercial is in the industry of Restaurants

  • Who is Fagor Commercial's Vice President Sales And Marketing?

    Fagor Commercial's Vice President Sales And Marketing is Jose Perez

  • Who is Fagor Commercial's Parts Distributon Manager?

    Fagor Commercial's Parts Distributon Manager is Diego Isasi

  • Who is Fagor Commercial's Lead Service Corrdinator?

    Fagor Commercial's Lead Service Corrdinator is Jaharie Wheeler

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