National Charter Schools Institute

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  • The National Charter Schools Institutes mission is to transform public education and power performance, productivity and accountability breakthroughs that help people win for kids. Our team is made up of passionate professionals who are committed to excellence and known for their integrity. We envision a day when all students will have access to a diverse marketplace of exceptional schools where they can learn, grow and prepare for success in college, work and life. The Institute is governed by a nine member board of directors and is led by its President & CEO, James N. Goenner, Ph.D. Jim is highly respected in the education reform community and was inducted into the National Charter Schools Hall of Fame in 2010. Under his leadership, the Institute is focused on winning hearts and minds, influencing policy and practice and delivering great programs, tools and services designed to power breakthrough, rather than incremental improvements. We see the charter schools movement as a way to expand choice and competition and drive the transformation of public education into a more market-based system of schools. We believe this emerging educational marketplace needs transparent and trustworthy academic, fiscal and operational performance measures that parents can use to make informed decisions, and the public can use to ensure accountability. The Institute was founded in 1995 as the Michigan Resource Center for Charter Schools by former Michigan Governor John Engler and Central Michigan University. Its original mission was to support and guide the implementation of Michigans newly adopted charter schools law. Based on its impact and the need for its services nationally, the United States Congress provided $1 million in 2001 for the Institute to legally separate from the University and expand its scope of services. The Institute is a Michigan non-profit corporation with federally recognized 501(c)(3) status.
  • location

    Headquarters:711 West Pickard Street Suite M, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, United States

  • National Charter Schools Institute phone

    Phone Number: +1 989-317-3510

  • National Charter Schools Institute website


  • National Charter Schools Institute employees


  • National Charter Schools Institute revenue

    Revenue:$10 - 50M

  • National Charter Schools Institute legal name

    Legal Name:National Charter Schools Institute

  • National Charter Schools Institute's Social Media

    National Charter Schools Institute linkedin National Charter Schools Institute twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 813319  |

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Person level website identification

CEO for National Charter Schools Institute

Jim Goenner

President And Chief Executive Officer

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View Employees

Mary Bradley

Chief Operating Officer

Naomi Deveaux



Partner Support Specialist

Ray O'laughlin


Inesha Williams

Program Manager, Partner Services

Frequently Asked Questions regarding National Charter Schools Institute

  • Where are National Charter Schools Institute's Headquarters?

    National Charter Schools Institute's Headquarters are in 711 West Pickard Street Suite M,Mount Pleasant,Michigan,United States

  • What is National Charter Schools Institute's phone number?

    National Charter Schools Institute's phone number is +1 989-317-3510

  • What is National Charter Schools Institute's official website?

    National Charter Schools Institute's official website is

  • What is National Charter Schools Institute's Revenue?

    National Charter Schools Institute's revenue is $10 - 50M

  • What is National Charter Schools Institute's NAICS code?

    National Charter Schools Institute's NAICS code is 813319

  • How many employees are working in National Charter Schools Institute

    National Charter Schools Institute has 31 employees

  • What is National Charter Schools Institute's Industry?

    National Charter Schools Institute is in the industry of Professional Training & Coaching

  • Who is National Charter Schools Institute's CEO?

    National Charter Schools Institute's CEO is Jim Goenner

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