National Construction, Inc.

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  • As a commercial contractor, National Constructions goal is to partner with local business owners to drive economic growth.We work primarily in the Madison metro and southern Wisconsin, but were committed to serving as a strategic partner for our clients, no matter where they grow. Were capable of managing projects and working with architects and other partners across the nation.Were passionate about hometown life in Wisconsin and beyond. Were loyal to the community ideal, and were devoted to keeping the communities we work in strong.Thats why our portfolio of work features the businesses and services most important to a citys residents, like childcare, healthcare and government facilities, and housing, retail and hospitality.Our work is also of great value to the industrial sector of communities both our traditional commercial construction services, and our construction management, owners representative and program management services.National Construction is that perfect size, where were capable of large-scale projects, but not so big that you cant afford our overhead. And we believe the best outcomes come from collaboration before day one. That mean partnering with architects and supporting investor communication, and later, offering cost saving options and setting clear expectations for subcontractors.National Construction can be trusted from concept through completion to deliver quality within the process that best fits your timeline and resources.We are the commercial division of JG Development, a well-respected and highly awarded family of construction companies.
  • location

    Headquarters:701 East Washington Avenue #103, Madison, Wisconsin, United States

  • National Construction, Inc. phone

    Phone Number: +1 608-257-0500

  • National Construction, Inc. website


  • National Construction, Inc. employees


  • National Construction, Inc. revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • National Construction, Inc. legal name

    Legal Name:National Construction, Inc.

  • National Construction, Inc.'s Social Media

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  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 999990  |

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Vice President for National Construction, Inc.

Omar Naim

Vice President

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View Employees

Omar Naim

Vice President

Peter Adamson

Manager Project

Bernie Lange

Project Development Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding National Construction, Inc.

  • Where are National Construction, Inc.'s Headquarters?

    National Construction, Inc.'s Headquarters are in 701 East Washington Avenue #103,Madison,Wisconsin,United States

  • What is National Construction, Inc.'s phone number?

    National Construction, Inc.'s phone number is +1 608-257-0500

  • What is National Construction, Inc.'s official website?

    National Construction, Inc.'s official website is

  • What is National Construction, Inc.'s Revenue?

    National Construction, Inc.'s revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is National Construction, Inc.'s NAICS code?

    National Construction, Inc.'s NAICS code is 999990

  • How many employees are working in National Construction, Inc.

    National Construction, Inc. has 19 employees

  • What is National Construction, Inc.'s Industry?

    National Construction, Inc. is in the industry of Construction

  • Who is National Construction, Inc.'s Vice President?

    National Construction, Inc.'s Vice President is Omar Naim

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