Front Row King Group

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  • Front Row King Group incorporated in 2011 from SEO WebWorks. Front Row King Group, inc is comprised of several smaller entities including advertising websites and directories, ticket resale websites, technology companies, travel websites, blogs, graphic design company and more.The name, Front Row King, stems from one of the original ticket websites, is a ticket resale website that sells event tickets all around the world.Front Row King began in 2005 as an online ticket website that supplied tickets to the hottest events including sports and concerts. Since Front Row King's beginning, the company has grown into a large-scale ticket marketplace that offers tickets to all events, large and small, across North America and Europe. Front Row King strives to offer the best possible customer service along with the largest selection and inventory of tickets anywhere. We currently have over 14,000,000 tickets for sale on our website! Our tickets are all backed by Front Row King's 125% ticket guarantee and we offer competitive market pricing for our tickets.Our Company:Front Row King's main office is located in Plymouth, New Hampshire and was started in 2005. We have several talented programmers, content writers and social networking specialists. Our customer service center is located in South Windsor, Connecticut. The staff in South Windsor is responsible for phone support, order support, placing orders over the phone and ensuring quality customer care.Front Row King Mission Statement:We at Front Row King, strive to offer the widest variety of tickets to sporting events, music concerts, festivals, theater shows, Broadway productions, Vegas events and so much more at the most competitive prices online while offering excellent customer service.
  • location

    Headquarters:2 Post Office Square Suite 2, Town Of Plymouth, New Hampshire, United States

  • Front Row King Group phone

    Phone Number: +1 603-536-1186

  • Front Row King Group website


  • Front Row King Group employees


  • Front Row King Group revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Front Row King Group legal name

    Legal Name:Front Row King Group

  • Front Row King Group's Social Media

    Front Row King Group linkedin Front Row King Group facebook Front Row King Group twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 541512  |

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Person level website identification

CEO for Front Row King Group

Row King

Owner, Chief Executive Officer

Person level website visitor identification

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Front Row King Group

  • Where are Front Row King Group's Headquarters?

    Front Row King Group's Headquarters are in 2 Post Office Square Suite 2,Town Of Plymouth,New Hampshire,United States

  • What is Front Row King Group's phone number?

    Front Row King Group's phone number is +1 603-536-1186

  • What is Front Row King Group's official website?

    Front Row King Group's official website is

  • What is Front Row King Group's Revenue?

    Front Row King Group's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Front Row King Group's NAICS code?

    Front Row King Group's NAICS code is 541512

  • How many employees are working in Front Row King Group

    Front Row King Group has 3 employees

  • What is Front Row King Group's Industry?

    Front Row King Group is in the industry of Retail

  • Who is Front Row King Group's CEO?

    Front Row King Group's CEO is Row King

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