![Twiford Funeral Homes Logo](https://logoimagesv2.id-visitors.com/0/0/d/8/6/0/00d860ab1e2744d790ef2bd5822dd630.png)
Twiford Funeral Homes
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- Our founder, Sam A. Twiford Sr. often said: We may have several funerals today but, remember, the families we are serving only have one. This simple statement has become a guiding principle for all of our organizations. Only by recognizing that families we are serving need our total and complete focus, can we begin to meet their needs. We strive to offer complete, yet flexible, services to all families in our communities. Our firm, and the Twiford family, has provided compassionate, dignified services for over four generations. Affordable service is a must. We strive to provide services to meet the needs of all members of the communities we serve. Only by providing quality service at reasonable prices are we able to meet the vision of our father and the founder of Twiford Funeral Homes.
Headquarters: , , North Carolina, United States
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Phone Number: +1 252-473-2449
Website: https://www.twifordfh.com
Revenue:$1 - 10M
Legal Name:Twiford Funeral Homes
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| NAICS Code: 812220 |
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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Twiford Funeral Homes
What is Twiford Funeral Homes's phone number?
Twiford Funeral Homes's phone number is +1 252-473-2449
What is Twiford Funeral Homes's official website?
Twiford Funeral Homes's official website is https://www.twifordfh.com
What is Twiford Funeral Homes's Revenue?
Twiford Funeral Homes's revenue is $1 - 10M
What is Twiford Funeral Homes's NAICS code?
Twiford Funeral Homes's NAICS code is 812220
How many employees are working in Twiford Funeral Homes
Twiford Funeral Homes has 17 employees
What is Twiford Funeral Homes's Industry?
Twiford Funeral Homes is in the industry of Events Services
Who is Twiford Funeral Homes's Owner And Operator And Boker In Charge?
Twiford Funeral Homes's Owner And Operator And Boker In Charge is Jake Twiford
Who is Twiford Funeral Homes's Funeral Director?
Twiford Funeral Homes's Funeral Director is Roy Riddick