Future Dreams Charity

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  • Future Dreams was founded by Danielle Leslie, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35, and her mother Sylvie Henry, was also diagnosed at a very young age. Both dancers, with a passionate love of ballet and theatre, Sylvie and Danielle decided to raise money by producing a celebrity, variety performance at the Savoy Theatre in London. The event was so successful that it led to two further shows. Tragically, both Sylvie and Danielle lost their battles against breast cancer within a year of each other. However, their legacy lives on and continues to grow, fulfilling their dream to strive for a future free of breast cancer. Future Dreams, one of Londons most dynamic breast cancer charities, has to date raised over £2 million for research and the team has now embraced a new £5 million mission to open a breast cancer support centre in central London, where sufferers and their families can get the emotional and practical support they need. Future Dreams House, home to Haven will be the largest Support Centre in the UK. Future Dreams is not a charity born out of research, data and hard-nosed statistics but one born out of love, family, warmth, friendship, sheer gutsiness and the desire to make a difference. Future Dreams is a charity born out of, and dedicated to, courage and hope.
  • location

    Headquarters:Atrium, Stables Market Chalk Farm Road, London, , United States

  • Future Dreams Charity phone

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  • Future Dreams Charity employees


  • Future Dreams Charity revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Future Dreams Charity legal name

    Legal Name:Future Dreams Charity

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  • |  NAICS Code: 624410  |

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Events And Fundraising Manager for Future Dreams Charity

Emma Miller

Events And Fundraising Manager

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Emma Miller

Events And Fundraising Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Future Dreams Charity

  • Where are Future Dreams Charity's Headquarters?

    Future Dreams Charity's Headquarters are in Atrium, Stables Market Chalk Farm Road,London,,United States

  • What is Future Dreams Charity's Revenue?

    Future Dreams Charity's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Future Dreams Charity's NAICS code?

    Future Dreams Charity's NAICS code is 624410

  • How many employees are working in Future Dreams Charity

    Future Dreams Charity has 4 employees

  • What is Future Dreams Charity's Industry?

    Future Dreams Charity is in the industry of Individual & Family Services

  • Who is Future Dreams Charity's Events And Fundraising Manager?

    Future Dreams Charity's Events And Fundraising Manager is Emma Miller

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