Salem Methodist Preschool

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  • It is our belief that each child enters school with individual skills, abilities, and needs. Our goal is to assist in developing these skills and abilities, while meeting each child's individual needs. Our teachers and staff strive to provide a positive educational experience for every child, taking into account that: for most children, Salem Methodist Preschool represents their first educational experience; children form lasting impressions of what school and learning mean through their preschool experience; it is very important that these impressions are positive; it is essential that children develop appropriate attitudes towards learning. Our teachers strive to provide a caring and accepting atmosphere which promotes a love of learning and a desire to be successful, while developing a positive self-image and self-confidence necessary to meet all of life's new challenges.
  • location

    Headquarters:115 West Lincoln Avenue , Barrington, Illinois, United States

  • Salem Methodist Preschool phone

    Phone Number: +1 847-381-0536

  • Salem Methodist Preschool website


  • Salem Methodist Preschool employees


  • Salem Methodist Preschool revenue

    Revenue:$0 - 1M

  • Salem Methodist Preschool legal name

    Legal Name:Salem Methodist Preschool

  • Salem Methodist Preschool's Social Media

    Salem Methodist Preschool linkedin Salem Methodist Preschool twitter
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  • |  NAICS Code: 813110  |

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Person level website identification

Ass't Director for Salem Methodist Preschool

Mom Johnson

Ass't Director

Person level website visitor identification

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View Employees

Mom Johnson

Ass't Director

Teresa Wilson


Cindy Schaefer


Mary Fava

Director At Salem Methodist Preschool

Josephine Skiba

Lead Preschool Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Salem Methodist Preschool

  • Where are Salem Methodist Preschool's Headquarters?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's Headquarters are in 115 West Lincoln Avenue ,Barrington,Illinois,United States

  • What is Salem Methodist Preschool's phone number?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's phone number is +1 847-381-0536

  • What is Salem Methodist Preschool's official website?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's official website is

  • What is Salem Methodist Preschool's Revenue?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's revenue is $0 - 1M

  • What is Salem Methodist Preschool's NAICS code?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's NAICS code is 813110

  • How many employees are working in Salem Methodist Preschool

    Salem Methodist Preschool has 2 employees

  • What is Salem Methodist Preschool's Industry?

    Salem Methodist Preschool is in the industry of Education Management

  • Who is Salem Methodist Preschool's Ass't Director?

    Salem Methodist Preschool's Ass't Director is Mom Johnson

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