Pulp Design Studios

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  • Dallas + SeattleHeaded up by Registered Interior Designers Beth Dotolo & Carolina V Gentry, Pulp Design Studios is a boutique interior design firm that spans the country, with studios in Dallas & Seattle. Beth & Carolina, along with their qualified designer staff, design projects locally & nationally. With more than 20 years of combined interior design experience, they have leveraged their talents to work on projects ranging from luxury apartments in New York City to small local projects on a budget.Pulp Design Studios is known for their modern interior design approach, with a flair for the unexpected. Each space that Beth & Carolina design is balanced, unique, and infused with the personality of our individual clients.
  • location

    Headquarters:1216 Manufacturing Street , Dallas, Texas, United States

  • Pulp Design Studios phone

    Phone Number: +1 214-504-2606

  • Pulp Design Studios website

    Website: https://www.pulpdesignstudios.com

  • Pulp Design Studios employees


  • Pulp Design Studios revenue

    Revenue:$1 - 10M

  • Pulp Design Studios legal name

    Legal Name:Pulp Design Studios

  • Pulp Design Studios's Social Media

    Pulp Design Studios linkedin Pulp Design Studios facebook Pulp Design Studios twitter
  • done Is this data correct?
  • |  NAICS Code: 236118  |

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Person level website identification

Co-Founder + Principal Interior Designer for Pulp Design Studios

Carolina Gentry

Co-Founder + Principal Interior Designer

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View Employees

Carolina Gentry

Co-Founder + Principal Interior Designer

Tracy Sexton

Managing Director

Kathleen Grayson

Project Manager

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Pulp Design Studios

  • Where are Pulp Design Studios's Headquarters?

    Pulp Design Studios's Headquarters are in 1216 Manufacturing Street ,Dallas,Texas,United States

  • What is Pulp Design Studios's phone number?

    Pulp Design Studios's phone number is +1 214-504-2606

  • What is Pulp Design Studios's official website?

    Pulp Design Studios's official website is https://www.pulpdesignstudios.com

  • What is Pulp Design Studios's Revenue?

    Pulp Design Studios's revenue is $1 - 10M

  • What is Pulp Design Studios's NAICS code?

    Pulp Design Studios's NAICS code is 236118

  • How many employees are working in Pulp Design Studios

    Pulp Design Studios has 10 employees

  • What is Pulp Design Studios's Industry?

    Pulp Design Studios is in the industry of Design

  • Who is Pulp Design Studios's Co-Founder + Principal Interior Designer?

    Pulp Design Studios's Co-Founder + Principal Interior Designer is Carolina Gentry

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