Do you find that your email open rate has gotten low? Are you struggling to get those emails opened at all? Is your subject line a flop and not catching the eye of the recipient? Do you ever wish you had a magic wand that would help you place the perfect subject line with the perfect email…?
Well, today is your day! There are quite a few good (and some not so good) subject line testing tools out there that can help you boost your email open rate today.
Here are a few tools that are popular with the good, the bad, and the ugly about each one. To be fair, they are listed in no specific order.
Popular Subject Line Testers
to increase your email open rate
This tool is simple. Go to their website, and it’s right there on the main page. Type in your subject and press evaluate. Within seconds, you will get back an overall score (x out of 100) and see where you lost points. The advice section was a little lite on actual advice, but hey, it’s free!
Another simple (and free) tool, but this one gets a little more detailed. You start off with an overall evaluation number, but then that is broken out to show your character and word count. They also offer advice on your word mixture and balance.
This product required the most input from me of personal information (name, business, website, etc.), but also gave out the most detailed information about my test subject line. But that “extra” does come at a cost that starts at $40/month for one user.
Do you worry that your email is getting blocked either based on the subject line or the actual content? Then this service is a great place to start. This product works a little differently than the products mentioned previously. You will compose your email, then send it to the address listed on their site, they will automatically evaluate the email, and you can review the results online within a few seconds!
These are just a handful of options with many, many more out there available either for a monthly fee or free! Once you realize that the most critical part of any email be it a marketing email or a potential client correspondence email is the subject, you will see the value in checking these services out. A whopping 33% of all email recipients have reported that they will open (or not open) emails solely based on the subject line. Don’t let your email get deleted!
Fun fact: Did you know that with Visual Visitor you can also track the open specific to an email? Learn more about our Email Track feature here!
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